" I've been having a tough time because there are so many times when I've tried to voice my choices or decisions to my class, department and professors but fail to make a difference. All decisions are ,made and I end up being socially excluded while feeling stupid since I know my ideas could make a difference. What can I do to change this? "
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you read this? Don't be quick to judge because each one of us has faced it at some point or the other.
This is a problem of passivity. We become mere spectators in our own lives, maybe due to fear or just because we're not sure of ourselves.
Like school as the foundation of childhood and adolescence, college is about discovering how you're going to be for the rest of your adult life. 

It gives you the chance to rediscover or redefine your individuality for which you need to shoulder some responsibility.
What then is the solution to such commonplace everyday problems for you and me?
ASSERTIVENESS : Sounds like a nice, fancy word but what exactly does it entail !
We read stories about how something heroic happens when people stand up for themselves and what they believe in. Well, there is some truth to it. We need to be our own heroes. 

You might be shy or have anxiety or fear of groups maybe but I'm very sure about one thing. No matter how much fear or doubts you have filled inside you, you also have some things you really believe in or love no matter what anyone says or does, you hold onto them real tight.

You need to remember the feeling you get when you think of that thing, person or idea and also know you are one person you're going to hold onto for the rest of your life and that is one thing you can be a complete 100% sure of which means that you put that belief in yourself.

I was a very shy person myself and assertiveness began for me in the form of a whisper in my friend's ear about an idea I had which I thought made sense, she blurted it out and next thing I know I find some people agreeing, some disagreeing but nearly everyone think about it and it happened and when it was out there it became one of our best memories and made me believe I make a difference.
So all I'll say is put forward your choices, your decisions and why it makes sense to you and even if its not always IMPLEMENTED, keep in mind it is always IMPLANTED and that most certainly makes all the difference.

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